Your Kitchen Prescription

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Thirsty Thursday!

First thing first, I am not about to recommend you start your day off with alcohol (although I do have some good recipes for that later!). Instead, let's talk about the necessity of hydrating in the AM.

Breakfast, most literally means break the fast. You have slept (hopefully) around 8 hours, probably the longest we go without eating or snacking. As your body begins to wake (actually before your mind is conscious), your hormones up-regulate, your digestive system begins preparing for its first meal of the day, and your cortisol levels begin to rise. Most literally, your physiology is preparing to eat and start the day long before you first reach for that snooze button.

So what's the best way to start your day off on the right track? HYDRATE!

As much as your body has been preparing to eat for the last few hours, it has also been deprived of water. Save your coffee for your ride to work and instead heat up some hot water and add some lemon to kick start your metabolism and reboot your digestive tract for the day ahead.

If you're feeling ambitious, sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper in your glass to really kick start your metabolism. A glass of this will ensure your body is ready for the day ahead!

And if that citrus taste is just not your thing, try an herbal team with a slice of lemon. Or just a glass of warm water! It is a simple step to amping up your digestive system and "priming" it for the meals ahead.


For more info on cortisol:

The concentration of cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, increases in the hours before you wake. Cortisol is involved in glucose metabolism, suggesting your body prepares for your first meal long before you have consciously thought about it! 

More benefits of early lemon water?

And besides, if celebrities swear by it...