Your Kitchen Prescription
Your Kitchen Prescription
A Pediatrician's Guide to a Healthy & Hearty Kitchen

Welcome to Your Kitchen Prescription!

As a medical student, I started this blog as a way to combine all my passions: science, health, cooking, and of course eating. As I started medical school, I realized there were new challenges and stressors that I would need to overcome and in doing so, keep my mind and body healthy along the way. In my search for health, both in my career and personal life, I always returned to the dinner table. Where my parents and my grandparents always fostered a love of cooking, eating, talking, and family. I realized there was no better time than in medical school, to start building my own traditions and my own recipes. And thus, my journey to Your Kitchen Prescription began!

I hope that this blog will serve a guide to some of my favorite recipes as well as helpful tips & tricks in the kitchen. Some of these recipes have been passed down in my family and others I created along the way. As a medical student, and now a resident in pediatrics, I have limited time to cook and an even tighter budget. I hope that by sharing these recipes & tips, I can show you that every one of us has the time and means to cook a health conscious, delicious meal for yourself and your loved ones.

Join me on this journey as we live, laugh, and eat our way to our happiest (and on a budget!)

