Chickpea Quinoa Salad

Looking for an easy lunch that does not involve lettuce? It seems like all the “healthy” lunches require some leafy green, and while I do love my spinach, they can get old. So in an effort to avoid another monochromatic, leafy green lunch- I mixed up a chickpea quinoa salad. Complete with protein, veggies, and plenty of flavor that will help you forget that healthy lunches require lettuce.

Serves: 4                                    Prep Time: 35 minutes


·        2 Cups of Quinoa

·        4 Cups of Water or Broth I like using chicken bone broth here for flavor and protein, but vegetable broth or even water work as well.

·        2 Corn on the cob

·        2 Can of Chickpeas

·        1 Green Bell Pepper

·        1/2 Red Onion

·        1 Avocado

·        Black Pepper to taste


·        2 Lemons (Juice)

·        Garlic or Regular Olive Oil

·        Plain Parsley (chopped for garnish and dressing)


1.     Cook Quinoa as directed using the broth or water. Allow to cool while you prepare the rest of the meal

2.     In a separate pot, boil corn on the cob (shucked) for 5-8 minutes until soft but crunchy. Drain and cool corn until it is a manageable temperature. Cut kernels off the cob and place to the side.

3.     Chop green pepper and onion into small pieces.

4.     Drain Chickpeas and rinse

5.     In a large bowl mix together cooked quinoa, corn, green pepper, onion, and chickpeas until well combined.

6.    Cut Avocado in half and cut small bite sized pieces. Here I like the smaller the better- you get them more dispersed throughout the salad and maximize the avocado in every bite!

7.     In a separate bowl, add chopped parsley with a generous amount of olive oil (4+ tablespoons.

8.     Juice the lemons and whisk together lemon juice, olive oil/parsley, and black pepper.

9. Once well combined, drizzle over the quinoa salad while stirring to coat the salad evenly.

10. Refrigerate until the mixture is one cool temperature throughout. Serve & Enjoy!


I like to add the avocado just before adding the dressing. You don’t want the avocado to sit too long without a coating of lemon juice & olive oil- both of which help prevent the browning. The quicker you can get that on the avocado the more likely it is to say green!

I think the fun of salads and something like this in general is the opportunity to make it your own. This is a framework for an easy, cold salad that is a great lunch, snack, or side. I recommend playing with your favorite vegetables adding them in and taking out whatever of this recipe you don’t like!