Your Kitchen Prescription

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Leftover Night!

After an extra long day, sometimes the last thing I want do is cook up a brand new meal. Yet, I think I am even more averse to ordering take out. As a poor post grad/soon to be MD I can't afford to eat out every time I am feeling lazy and tired. So here I am, sitting at home, unsure of what to have for dinner, and little energy to cook more than a box of mac and cheese.

However, in college I perfected the art and science of experimentation in the kitchen. Like any good scientist, it takes a lot of failure before the few successes, and that is exactly how my journey to making leftover magic happened.

Instead of going out to eat or buying new ingredients for a fabulous meal each night, I learned to play with food. Throw together whatever I had in my kitchen, whether that be veggies, meats, eggs, or pastas, in an attempt to invent an edible and satisfying meal. The result? A lot of empty dinner plates and full trash cans. But as the old saying goes, I got back on the horse and kept at it. I discovered what ingredients work well together, what spices brought out which flavors, and what vegetables I could turn into sauces (a lot more than you would think!)

So after two good years of feeding the trash can, I have stumbled upon a few secrets to leftover night!

  1. Always have fresh veggies on hand! Vegetables make even left over meals seem fresh and new. They are the best way to add a new texture and crunch!

  2. Don't be afraid to add extra spices! Ever go back for a meal the next day and find it is not as flavorful as you remember? When reheating I like to add a little extra flavor (red pepper is great for bringing meals back to life)! Similarly cheese will melt right in and give it that extra savory flavor as well as bind the ingredients together as if it was cooked fresh!

  3. Step away from the microwave! When I left college, I also left behind the luxury of the 2 minute meal. Without a microwave, I was forced to reheat all my meals on the stove or oven and let me tell you, it is glorious! Using a pan on the stove allows you to add the appropriate amount of water in which to recook. It also gives you control over how long and how well done you want the meal. Not to mention you can cook things evenly! No more dried out noodles on top and cold noodles on the bottom!
    And I guarantee it will take less time than you think!

  4. Mix old and new. Do something different with your leftovers, rather than recreating last night's meal, mix together the side with a fresh meat, or a crispy fresh vegetable with left over chicken parm! This way it's new, fresh, and exciting!

  5. Finally, think ahead! Leftovers may not seem as delicious or fun as a new recipe or favorite dish, but thinking about it ahead of time can have you craving the taste in a few short minutes. You know that feeling when you walk by a pizza shop and the savory scent spills out onto the street and surrounds you? You weren't even hungry, but suddenly you have to have a slice? Well, thinking about food does the same thing. Imagine last night's meal, how delicious it was, then mix in some vegetables you have at home, and maybe a kick of red pepper. In a few short minutes, okay more like seconds, your brain will have told your salivary glands to prep for food! Your mouth will water, your stomach will grumble, and whereas before you were not looking forward to cooking leftovers, you will find yourself craving that exact dish you have concocted in your head!

So next time you are too exhausted to cook, or bored by the food in your fridge, try something new, mix it up, and prime your brain and body for what I guarantee will be a delicious experiment in leftovers!