Your Kitchen Prescription

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Ten Tricks for Eating Out (And not breaking the bank or your diet!)

While traveling yesterday, I realized how difficult it is to find healthy and cheap food on the go. Forget the cost of transportation or lodging; food is one of the biggest expenses of any trip if not carefully planned or strictly budgeted. Today, I thought I would share my 10 best tips for keeping cost and calories to a minimum while eating out.

  1. Order appetizers as your meal.

    • Appetizers are guaranteed smaller portions, and one or two could equate to a full meal without costing the same.

  2. Order from the lunch menu

    • Whether you are eating at lunch time or not, many places provide lunch portions that are smaller and cheaper than dinner sizes!                                                   You can usually order this size unless explicitly stated in their menu!

  3. Split your meal!

    • This is my mom and I's go-to trick. We can never finish a full size entree, but one appetizer and one entree between us and we are stuffed! Not only that but this meal for 2 people can cost less than $20 at a sit down restaurant!

  4. Make simple trades!

    • Order baked, grilled, or sauteed instead of fried; the difference in calories goes a long way! Not only that, but these foods are often cooked in olive oil and spices rather than breadcrumbs and butter.

    • Sub out your french fries for an equally satisfying alternative; try a crunchy vegetable or a whole wheat side for starters.

  5. Ask for a separate plate. **My favorite trick**

    • This is a big one. Often times I find myself feeling guilty for not cleaning my plate at a restaurant (I hate leaving left over food!), and science says we are likely to eat more if the food is on our plate. Whether you are sharing a dish or not, ask for a separate plate and portion out part of your meal. Finish what is on your plate first and re-evaluate, are you still hungry? If yes, then reach for a second helping. If not, ask for them to box up your leftovers and you have a second meal for your trip!

  6. Drink water!

    • Whether you order appetizers or just one dish, drink water before, during, and after your meal. Water will take up room in your digestive tract and time so you will be less inclined to over eat. Maybe even stop after your appetizer!

  7. Check in with yourself.

    • Are you finishing your meal because you are hungry or because it is available? Ask yourself this throughout the meal and check in with your body to make sure you are not engorging yourself.

  8. Eat slowly!

    • Take your time chewing and eating your food. Your body has programmed eating to be a pleasurable process for you, take the time to savor it! You should chew each bite 30-60 times (depending on the food) to help with digestion. Also, the longer you chew it, the more time your body has to process the food you have eaten and send satiety hormones to your brain (those are the ones that tell you, you are full!)

  9. Eating Asian? Try Thai instead.

    • After years of Chinese take out, I have ventured into the world of Thai food and never looked back. Now I cannot speak for these cuisines in other countries, but in the United States (and in my experience) Thai food has the most appropriate portions, freshest vegetables and cleanest ingredients. Ever realize when your biting into Chinese broccoli, that is a bit soggy? That is because it has been soaked in sauces and cooked for longer than necessary. This process strips the vegetables of their nutrients and adds unnecessary chemicals and calories to your email.

    • Thai food uses lighter sauces, fresher ingredients, and tends to be pretty spicy. All good things to keep you eating light and your metabolism going strong!

  10. Finally, the customer is always right!

    • If you do not see what you want on the menu or a smaller portion of a larger meal, ASK! Most restaurants will do anything to please the paying the customer, so speak up and ask for what you would like. Worst case scenario, they do not have it and you move on to the next item on the menu!