Your Kitchen Prescription

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The Art of Charcuterie

Perhaps one of the trendiest meals right now is the Charcuterie Board. Restaurants are adding it to their menus, it is staple at most get together’s, and in my experience, can be the perfect meal. Throughout Europe, Charcuterie boards are a breakfast staple. An assortment of meats and cheeses, breads, and accoutrements can serve as the perfectly balanced start to the day. Particularly because it is high protein and low in carbs resulting in long lasting energy and satiety to get you comfortably to lunch. The trick to a good Charcuterie is variety (and in the American diet, minimizing the cholesterol). Aside from meats and cheeses; nuts, fruits (fresh/dry), eggs, even a piece of dark chocolate can be the perfect balance of delectables.

Serves: 2-8                       Prep Time: 20 minutes

Ingredient Options:

·        Selection of Meats and Cheese

·        Hardboiled Eggs (quail eggs are a favorite)

·        Fruit (dried or fresh): think dried cranberries, apple slices, blueberries, grapes

·        Bread: crostini, breadsticks, crackers, parmesan crisps

·        Nuts

·        Olives/Cornichons

·        Veggies: celery, carrots, green beans, snow peas, tomatoes

·        Dips: choose your favorite dips & jams to add flavor and texture to your board


1.     Choose the right board for your selection

2.     Start with anything that needs to be cooked. For example if you are hard boiling eggs, prepare those first.

3. As those cook, start cutting your cheeses, veggies

4. Assemble! The fun of the charcuterie board is filling it with all your favorites. Get creative and put things in fun arrangements to maximize space and your aesthetic


  • Cut the cheese into different shapes to help differentiate between the different types and to make the board overall more interesting. I like cutting one in to rectangles, another into matchsticks, some into triangles.

  • It’s ok to be messy with it, that can sometimes produce the best boards

  • Use lots of colors! Not only does that make the board more exciting, but it also means you are giving your body the variety of nutrients that it needs .

  • If you have left overs, place in tupperware or zip lock bags for lunch the next day or snacks for later in the week!

  • This is also a great dinner, if you have leftovers and you can put together a board of your favorite things from your cupboard & fridge!